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Commercial & Wedding Videography and Live-streaming Services - Dunedin & Otago

Our professional-grade videography and live-streaming services are based in the Dunedin Otago region, we are easily able to and often travel nationwide to accommodate your requirements. 

We have years of experience providing top-quality live and pre-recorded content for events, weddings, commercials and television programs. Our team is ready to discuss your project needs with you and provide an obligation-free quote. 

Our flexible services allow us to cater to your needs, being able to accommodate projects large and small, with an individual videographer or a team of videographers. Our fully insured team have the experience to plan, shoot, live-stream and edit your project with quality and professionalism.  


Our crew uses the latest and highest quality equipment and wireless audio systems to ensure seamless and reliable coverage of your project. 

Our CAA certified drone pilot also allows us to provide live or pre-recorded aerial content of your project. 
Our clients include: Sky TV, TVNZ, Maori TV, Department of Conservation, NZ Surf Lifesaving, and more. 
Starting from $450 for our basic videography services depending on your project needs, our videography services include:

  • 4K Video. 

  • Multi-camera setups

  • Wireless Crisp audio systems. 

  • AI PTZ Cameras

  • Live-streaming. 

  • Bespoke solutions to suit your needs, and more. 


  • We also offer high-quality video editing services which complement our videography services in a package. To learn more about our editing, click here. 

Get in touch with us using the button below or live chat to discuss your needs and a free no obligation quote. 
We service all of New Zealand with our videography service, including Whanganui, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and more. 


Let’s Work Together

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